Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Latest rumor - all WT construction "suspended", except for Warwick
by sir82 inheard 4th-hand, but from a full-on believer, so not likely to be an "apostate lie":.
apparently, at bethel's morning worship this morning, it was announced that all worldwide wts construction is "suspended" for an indefinite time, except for the new world headquarters at warwick.. also, the "relocation" of remote translating teams is also suspended.. finally, there will be a "worldwide" reduction in bethel personnel.. all this came to me in a non-english language, and,as noted, 4th-hand.
so it is possible something may have been lost in translation and/or in the multiple steps between bethel morning worship & me.. but if true, it would be quite stunning.
Island Man
What if . . . it's just a clever strategy to get JWs worldwide to think that the organization is in some kind of dire financial emergency so that all JWs worldwide will suddenly rally and pour in huge donations? -
by avaddohn94 inthis topic was already discussed in the following thread: .
if you don't want to go through the whole thing; basically it is about a letter that was sent by mexico's branch requiring the body of elders to modify the service meeting for this week (september 21) and the following (september 28) in order to watch (again) stephen lett's solicitation for money (may's broadcasting).. so, why a new thread?
Island Man
No such thing in my region. -
The bridge burning has begun.
by sparrowdown ini was feeling particularly hopeless about the whole jws being assholes thing and sick to death of pretending so ....
i rang my sister and told her that i no longer believe jws have the truth and the phone went silent, when i asked her to say something she just said if that was the case then she would have to hang up on me and then proceeded to indeed hang up..
so i texted her back immediately with fu..
Island Man
"I rang my sister and told her that I no longer believe JWs have the truth and the phone went silent, when I asked her to say something she just said if that was the case then she would have to hang up on me and then proceeded to indeed hang up."
I think her response highlights the ugly truth about the JW religion. When you really get down to it, it's really not about worshiping and serving Jehovah. It's about the pride of being special, the grandiose thought and religious prestige of being the only true religion.
So when you say that you no longer believe that JWs have the truth, that's a hard blow to their narcissistic religious pride. It pains them more to hear you say that than if you had said that you no longer believe in God. That's why they hate defectors from their religion more than they hate atheists. Defectors assail their true god - pride of religion.
The JW religion is a tribal one and that's why JWs support their tribe (the organization) at all cost. They will lie and they will deny facts in a bid to be loyal, die-hard supporters of the tribe. It's just like die-hard supporters of a sports team. Supporting the team is more important than the game itself. They will hate a team that beats them fairly and make all kinds of excuses and rationalizations for why their team lost. In extreme cases they even attack supporters of the winning team. Tell such a die-hard fan that you don't like the game of soccer. But don't tell him that his team sucks. It's the same with JWs.
Need Help with Blood Transfusion Illustration
by Dissonant15 inplease, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
Island Man
Watchtower's "sustaining life by means of blood" redefinition of the issue is unbiblical and ridiculous.
The bible does not say it is wrong to sustain your life by means of blood. It only says that blood is not to be eaten because blood is being used on the altar to atone for sin. (Leviticus 17:10-12). The idea that it is wrong to sustain your life by means of blood, was invented by Watchtower out of whole cloth.
It is also ridiculous to say that the bible is against using blood to sustain your life when blood was supposedly created for the very purpose of sustaining life! Also, every JW is sustaining their life by means of native blood flowing in their veins. So if it is wrong to sustain your life by means of blood then every JW should have to slit their throat and bleed themselves out so as to comply.
Watchtower is dishonestly and foolishly redefining the blood issue because if they go only by what is stated in the bible, the blood issue does not apply to transfusions.
Island Man
Hi Mandy97. Welcome to the forum. Your English is good. I studied French in high school but eventually dropped it in favor of Spanish. I found French more difficult to learn. The pronunciations are tricky and there are too much exceptions to the rules. Overall I found the language a bit inconsistent - a lot like how English is inconsistent.
But I do love the way the language sounds when it's spoken. It sounds very sexy - especially the way the hard R's are savored in words like derriere. I just love the way this Zouk dance instructor speaks!
Annual Meeting Speculation Open Thread
by cappytan in- tony morris will rant about apostates anonymously sending him pink socks.. - david splane will say that though types and anti-types are no longer jw doctrine, that doesn't mean that the gb can't bring them back anytime they want.
obey, or else we'll bring them back!.
- sam herd gives a talk about "wimmen, whisky and makin' whoopie".
Island Man
My guess is that they will talk about not listening to news reports that paint JWs in a negative light. Maybe even mention some anecdotes about JWs calling in to branches and NY headquarters with questions about things they've seen in the news about Australia. They will probably paint those JWs calling in as bad examples of listening to "apostate driven lies" being promulgated by the "satanic media".
Then they'll make a grand announcement:
"In view of the spiritual dangers that are posed by this world's news media, I'm sure you will be happy to learn that the Governing Body has made the decision to add an evening news program to the JW broadcasting web channel. Are you not happy for this new provision from Jehovah?
This news program will be 15 minutes long and will be called World Watch. With your kind support and generous voluntary donations, we hope to eventually extend the length of the program to 30 minutes. The first program will be aired in December." -
Anthony Morris III: Jehovah Blesses Obedience
by wifibandit in
Island Man
"Island man,, could you start a new thread about the annual meeting in 11 days,,anyone hearing any news, new light, damnations, new "decrees?""
Anthony Morris III: Jehovah Blesses Obedience
by wifibandit in
Island Man
Holy shit! I just remembered something: The Watchtower's annual meeting is just 11 days away! It would be interesting to see what tone it will take and what would be said. -
Need Help with Blood Transfusion Illustration
by Dissonant15 inplease, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
Island Man
Hell, I'm pretty sure that if you injected alcohol into your bloodstream it'd f**king kill you.
No, actually. If you injected pure alcohol (ethanol) into your bloodstream it would have the same effect on you as if you drank it. The only difference is that you would start feeling the effects more quickly than if you drank it. It would only kill you if you injected a large amount - just as you'd also die of alcohol poisoning if you drank too much alcohol in one bout.
But don't go injecting yourself with beer or wine! There are other ingredients in alcoholic beverages which might make you sick or kill you if you injected it directly into your veins.
Anthony Morris III: Jehovah Blesses Obedience
by wifibandit in
Island Man
I think his subdued demeanor is owing to the fact that he's not standing before visible vast audience but sitting before a camera.
Regarding his comments: I think they're feeling the heat. A lot of JWs are waking up, and maybe writing letters with difficult questions about the Royal Commission in Australia and other matters that expose the organization. One of the popular matters people are probably writing in about is the apparent blind and unquestioning obedience that the organization seems to want from the members.